[TYPO3-mvc] Complex array validation

Jacob Rasmussen jacob at lightbulb.dk
Mon Feb 6 23:12:28 CET 2012

> Fingers crossed!
> If you have questions about the fed:form.group ViewHelper just let me know.

Well actually - it might be a simple and really stupid question, but 
what am I missing here?

I tried using the fluid form viewhelper and the FED version, but I get a 
1323351482: Form/GroupViewHelper requires associated form object 

{namespace fed=Tx_Fed_ViewHelpers}
<fed:form class="clearfix" method="post" action="create" 
enctype="multipart/form-data"  name="newInquiry" object="{newInquiry}">
   <fed:form.group amount="1">
     <f:form.textfield property="oensker.fraDato" class="calendar" />

Kind regards

Jacob Rasmussen
Certified TYPO3 Integrator

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