[TYPO3-mvc] Overwriting TCA (fe_users)

Florian Staudacher florian_staudacher at yahoo.de
Wed Jul 14 22:49:53 CEST 2010

Am Mittwoch, 14. Juli 2010, 16:05:50 schrieb Lang, Patrik:
> I have a similar example. I have users extended from fe_users and a file
> model which can have many users and a user can have many files.

From your TS I distilled this:
config.tx_extbase.persistence.classes {
	Tx_Extbase_Domain_Model_FrontendUser {
		subclasses {
			Tx_WhoozShop_Domain_Model_Customer = 

	Tx_WhoozShop_Domain_Model_Customer {
		mapping {
			tableName = fe_users
			recordType = Tx_WhoozShop_Domain_Model_Customer
			columns {
				crdate.mapOnProperty = crdate
				is_online.mapOnProperty = isOnline
				disable.mapOnProperty = disable
				deleted.mapOnProperty = deleted
					mapOnProperty = watchlist
Now all user recors created with extbase get the tx_extbase_type of my 
Customer class. But I can't seem to login with any of those users anymore 
using the standard login form.

Additionally, the Persistence Exception proves to be very ... persistent 
("Could not determine type of relation for the property "watchlist".")

My TCA of the tables in question looks practically the same as yours...

That is quite frustrating, especially because everything else seems to work so 
far, somewhat proving that I must have at least grasped the concept of how it 
is supposed to work.

Thanks again,

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