[TYPO3-mvc] Fluid ViewHelper Incubator

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Tue Jul 13 21:33:50 CEST 2010

Am 13.07.2010 20:55, schrieb Thomas "Thasmo" Deinhamer:
> But I'm not sure if it's useful, because -
> as you already pointed out - it seems noone
> respects a formatting standard or at least
> noone relies on a standard, just on different
> "formatting behaviors" which form some kind of
> "lazy standard". :>

What's IMHO is more important is that I can set-up one format for my whole installation (or a
domain, etc) for all phone fields. If I have to fiddle with the attributes in every single fluid
template it becomes tedious and error prone.

But this would mean to bring information from outside (ie the application context) into the FLUID
rendering process. But how can this be achieved? IMHO this is an important feature for all
formatting view helpers. Only if I can set up the format globally I can be sure that really *all*
templates will have the correct format at once without the need to touch any of them.

This is also necessary if you want to reuse the same templates for different locales. A change of
the locale (or TYPO3 language) will affect all templates. If this is not possible you have to create
a copy for each locale.


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