[TYPO3-Solr] Solr Facet?

Kay Strobach typo3 at kay-strobach.de
Wed May 29 16:33:09 CEST 2013

Hi Stefan,

as far as i know, you need to define what data is pushed to solr.
You can use the dynamic fields to add whatever you want as property.
Then you can use each property to build a facett :D


Am 29.05.13 10:27, schrieb Stefan Kruse:
> Hi,
> I have a question about Solr. 
> I have in my Solr index data sets of different models. For example
> tx_myext_domain_model_company, subcategory, etc.
> I need an alphabetical list with the number of how many records there are. 
> In addition I have created a field alpha_stringS and save the first letter
> of each record in it. Now I wanted to use the facet feature of Solr. But if
> I berthing faceting, then the subcategories are included also in the
> companies.
> Is it possible to specify for faceting, which types are to be used? Is that
> possible? That the facet only includes data from the type:xyz? I found
> nothing in the solr docu.
> Thanks Stefan

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