[TYPO3-Solr] Nothing gets committed - where to start debugging

Jan Slusarczyk jan.slusarczyk at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 15:38:15 CET 2011

On 29/11/11 11:05, Olivier Dobberkau wrote:
> please tell me about your enviroment. os. php version. TYPO3 Version.

I have two servers behind a firewall. Both are Ubuntu LTS - web server 
with nginx 1.0.x as a proxy to apache 2.2 with php as a mod_php (5.3.x) 
is connected via an internal network to a secondary server (servers can 
freely connect on the internal network). On the secondary server I have 
installed tomcat/solr using the shell script from svn version of a 2.0.0 
solr extension shell script.

Test environment on the webserver is using typo3 4.6.1, current 
templavoila. pages are being cached and some elements on my pages are 
using coa_int (but not the main content).

Main content elements are wrapped around with TYPO3SEARCH_begin 
TYPO3SEARCH_end tags...

Solr seems to be working fine but indexes are empty.
On typo3 side - the scheduler job gives a more or less correct number of 
pages to index (>1300), commit pending displays a green "success" note 
but seems to be doing nothing...

Thank you

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