[TYPO3-Solr] Nothing gets committed - where to start debugging

Olivier Dobberkau olivier.dobberkau at dkd.de
Tue Nov 29 16:54:16 CET 2011

Am 29.11.11 15:38, schrieb Jan Slusarczyk:

> I have two servers behind a firewall. Both are Ubuntu LTS - web server
> with nginx 1.0.x as a proxy to apache 2.2 with php as a mod_php (5.3.x)
> is connected via an internal network to a secondary server (servers can
> freely connect on the internal network). On the secondary server I have
> installed tomcat/solr using the shell script from svn version of a 2.0.0
> solr extension shell script.
> Test environment on the webserver is using typo3 4.6.1, current
> templavoila. pages are being cached and some elements on my pages are
> using coa_int (but not the main content).
> Main content elements are wrapped around with TYPO3SEARCH_begin
> TYPO3SEARCH_end tags...
> Solr seems to be working fine but indexes are empty.
> On typo3 side - the scheduler job gives a more or less correct number of
> pages to index (>1300), commit pending displays a green "success" note
> but seems to be doing nothing...

Hi Jan,

OK. Is the Tomcat also behind NGINX? If not then do so.

Standard Tomcat runs on Localhost only if installed via install script.

What does the Apache Solr Report say?


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