[TYPO3-extbase-kickstarter] [TYPO3-mvc] Extension Builder (former Extbase Kickstarter) looking for Beta tester

Nicolas de Haen typo3 at ndh-websolutions.de
Wed May 11 09:18:12 CEST 2011

Hi Lienhart,

> But I would have liked some announcement or note about the move then, as even the forge project only told me that extbase_kickstarter could not be found. No information as to where to look instead.

We already created an Issue for that. I will push it again...

>> ... so please go and try it and give feedback in the kickstarter mailing list (or in the bug tracker if you find bugs)
> As for bugs, I pushed fixes to two bugs that annoyed me regularly and another one I stumbled upon when PhpStorm marked it as undefined variable error.
> One thing I would like to see is merging of unit tests. Currently, the extension builder adds a merge token below the class definition. Nothing one could do with it. I would consider it more appropriate if the tests were merged like other classes, too.

I think the provided tests are just a "kickstart" to write yourt own 
tests. You should configure your settings.yaml to keep the existing 
test classes, if you inserted real test methods. Merging is more tricky 
there, since we only have a very simple default scheme. So if you write 
more complex test methods for your model, and then rename the model, it 
would be very difficult to map the existing classes to the new ones...

> Nevertheless, great work and a helpful tool, especially with roundtrip enabled!



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