[TYPO3-extbase-kickstarter] Best practice to set storagePid in "tutorial mode"?

Nicolas de Haen typo3 at ndh-websolutions.de
Tue Jul 26 15:14:43 CEST 2011

Well right now these are the differences between default and advanced mode:
1. A warning if you have not set the storage pid
2. A warning (if you have a file propertytype), that file upload is not 
yet supported out of the box (maybe we can show some example code there)
3. A warning that extension cHash bug might prevent some actions from 
being executed

That's it. I call it tutorial mode, since we can extend it later step by 
For example:
- Include more explaining comments

- render HTML comments in FLUID templates to show what is rendered from 
which Template/Partial/Layout etc.

- include commented example configurations for various needs

I wouldn't like to have 3 different modes (like RTE). For a demo mode I 
think it's better to provide just a single extension with a lot of 
features (like the mvc-extjs extension).

I would like to ensure, that the tutorial mode is also valid for 
productive use (and communicate that of course)

If someone has a better idea for the name - suggestons are welcome!

> short releases cycles could attract more people to extension builder.

I'm not sure, it might also happen, that people do not dare to rebuild 
an existing extension with a new version of the extension builder, since 
there is so much "magic" in it anyway...


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