[TYPO3-extbase-kickstarter] "error while saving" when using a wire

Steffen Müller typo3 at t3node.com
Sun Mar 14 12:08:36 CET 2010


Whatever model I try to kickstart, I get "error while saving" alert as 
soon as I put a wire to create a relation between two entities and try 
to save.

No matter what kind of relation type I use.

- Debian Squeeze
- Apache/2.2.14
- PHP/5.3.1
- extbase_kickstarter rev. 31083.
- TYPO3 4.3 branch rev. 7103.

I also tried on a different server, Debian Lenny: PHP/5.2.6, 
kickstarter rev. 29003

kickstarter.json is appended

Do you have any idea?


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