[TYPO3-dev] The extbase dilemma

Mathias Schreiber [wmdb] mathias.schreiber at wmdb.de
Thu May 19 11:29:18 CEST 2011

Am 19.05.11 10:52, schrieb Sebastian Kurfürst:
> Hey,
>> @everyone except Dmitry, because he knows all this:
>> I HAVE to assume at least basic profiling and math skills if someone
>> develops ANYTHING.
> The skills are there (at least for me), but lacking is *time*... We did
> benchmarks at some points, but obviously not enough... So if you pay me
> I'd gladly spend the next month optimizing Extbase (ah; no, I am writing
> my diploma thesis in the next half year ;-) )

ok, other way around.
Why do you intend to spend time optimizing extbase for 20 work-days to 
fix stuff that could've been avoided in the first place?

Does not really sound efficient, does it?

See, I like what you try to achieve with extbase and fluid, I really do.
And I follow the development with each new version but still see those 
problems I mentioned to Jochen ages ago.
They simply don't get changed.

I'd LOVE to use extbase once I am *sure* I'm not sitting on a timebomb 
and it is living up to the promisses the devs gave.

And to those waving the voluntary work flag...
If you wouldn't have risen the expectations above what your code can 
achieve, noone would be bashin ya.

So the bashing is kinda home'made.

Ernesto, Nov. 9th 2010:
"In the graphics generation routines of TYPO3 *anything* could cause a
side effect."

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