[TYPO3-dev] Ideas solving the bloated TER problem?

Stig Nørgaard Færch snf at dkm.dk
Wed Nov 18 18:00:02 CET 2009

Stefano Cecere skrev:
> as first step, something that could be done in 1 hour of wotrk, i would 
> add a "staff pick" checkbox to some exts..
> let's call it "core devs preferred", taht would be all those ext that 
> could really be in the core but aren't (for sweveral reasons)
> see the latest "feeditadvanced"

I think this sounds like a really good idea.

> in a few days nobody will find it, unless they NOW know about it.

I hope your post in this thread doesn't suffer the same fate.
Wondering how many reads your post, compared if the post was starting a 
new thread instead? :-)

> a simple menu showing all staff picks ext could help anybody to find the 
> ext gems.

Yes. I agree.
It would be really nice if it was possible to sort by ratings as well. 
(For example a list of extensions rated higher than 4)

> for me it would be easy to develop such thing.. but from where to start? 
> who to talk with?

Yes - a good question.

> all other things you are saying have been talked in latest years. 
> expecially categorization.
> i guess the Association should ask a core and UX dev or a trusted dev to 
> take a few days and improve ter_fe

Will it happen?


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