[TYPO3-dev] Why have boolean database fields types like tinyint(4) etc?

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Thu Nov 12 17:55:31 CET 2009


Ries van Twisk schrieb:
> I wouldn't opt for ENUM but keep it as tiny int,
> the main problem here is MySQL's odd behavior of the 'BOOLEAN' types 
> They are constants for 1 and 0. Apparently this is legal in MySQL SELECT 
> Which is totally bogus and doesn't make sense, code like that could even 
> sli`p into extension (I think core people are smarter..)


> I would simply accept that  MySQL doesn't have an efficient storage 
> mechanism for booleans.
tinyint is totally ok, and it's small. Using 0 and 1 in query is also 
perfect, and it's compatible to any other DB.

> emulating ENUMS in other DB's might be more harder then it sounds like,
> special when it comes to modifying enums....

i first liked ENUM, but in all the years i really didn't needed them. In 
general i do such logic in php and not in MySQL.

I see no real potential for optimizing for boolean. There are lot of 
other places where optimization is needed, so let's bundle the forces to 

vg Steffen

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