[TYPO3-dev] Why have boolean database fields types like tinyint(4) etc?

Ries van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Thu Nov 12 17:48:42 CET 2009

On Nov 12, 2009, at 2:53 AM, Sebastian Gebhard wrote:

> Hi,
> every few days I ask myself why pages.hidden has field type  
> tinyint(4), today it's different - I ask you.
> Almost all "boolean" database fields in TYPO3 core and in extensions  
> produced by the kickstarter have tinyint(4),
> an exception is pages.delted which is tinyint(1).
> According to the ANALYSE() PROCEDURE of MySQL the optimal field type  
> for these fields would be ENUM('0','1') NOT NULL.
> I'm not a database expert, but afaik tinyint(4) requires more  
> diskspace than ENUM('0','1') and is slower.
> Would it not be better to change this?
> Kind regards,
> Sebastian

I wouldn't opt for ENUM but keep it as tiny int,
the main problem here is MySQL's odd behavior of the 'BOOLEAN' types  
They are constants for 1 and 0. Apparently this is legal in MySQL  
Which is totally bogus and doesn't make sense, code like that could  
even sli`p into extension (I think core people are smarter..)

I would simply accept that  MySQL doesn't have an efficient storage  
mechanism for booleans.

emulating ENUMS in other DB's might be more harder then it sounds like,
special when it comes to modifying enums....

			regards, Ries van Twisk

tags: Freelance TYPO3 Glassfish JasperReports JasperETL Flex Blaze-DS  
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