[TYPO3-dev] SCOTTY - Global *S*emantic *C*ategory, *O*ntology, *T*ag and *T*axonomy S*y*stem

Stig Nørgaard Færch snf at dkm.dk
Fri Nov 6 11:12:06 CET 2009

JoH asenau wrote:
> The plan is to have something ready for 4.5 and to make it a fully
> integrated sysext later on. But since it will be a major feature that might
> influence lots of different areas of FE and BE, don't expect it to be part
> of the core immediately.
> We are currently in the fund raising phase. I can not tell you more before
> the deal is fixed, but I can assure you that this will be done anyway, with
> or without that deal. So if this looks like a job for you, try to join the
> team.

So what is the greatest obstacle here: lack of money or lack of man hours?
And when is 4.5 planned to be released?


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