[TYPO3-dev] Moving old "static templates" to a sysext

Benjamin Mack mack at xnos.org
Wed Dec 5 11:39:03 CET 2007

Hey Dmitry,

100% agreed. Anyone who uses these templates and upgrades ! his
installation ;-) is out of his mind or has a good reason for it.

Anyway, this is what I propose:

* Move "static_templates" (incl. Table definition, since we don't need
it for new installations anymore then, right?) to an extension called
"static_templates" or "old_templates".
* Create an update wizard with only text in it: "If you're using a
static_template (any admin who upgrades and uses it knows what we're
talking about), please install ext "..." first and change the
dependencies of your templates to the new ones. Then proceed with the

I think this is the easiest way for us to do. I also think we should 
give it a try. This case IMHO nothing to do with backwards 
compatibility. We cannot keep this crap forever ;-).

Then, step 2 would be to create new templates, this will be another 
task. But I'd rather ship the new package without any static templates 
than with the existing old ones.

One last thing would be the "Web" => "Template" Module which we could 
and should recode to remove these dependencies :) Maybe I could take 
care of this if somebody else decides to take over the other two tasks 
mentioned above.

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] wrote:
> Hi!
> Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] wrote:
>> You mean the Upgrade Wizard should contact TER and download and
>> install an extension from there if the old installation uses the
>> static template? That sounds a bit "complicated" as TER might not
>> even be reachable by this upgrade wizard...
> No, I think users should do it manually after update. To me it looks
> strange to use those templates if user has 3.8 or newer. If they
> still have, they can go once to TER :)


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