[TYPO3-dev] Moving old "static templates" to a sysext

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] dmitry at typo3.org
Wed Dec 5 11:50:50 CET 2007


Benjamin Mack wrote:
> * Move "static_templates" (incl. Table definition, since we don't need
> it for new installations anymore then, right?) to an extension called
> "static_templates" or "old_templates".
> * Create an update wizard with only text in it: "If you're using a
> static_template (any admin who upgrades and uses it knows what we're
> talking about), please install ext "..." first and change the
> dependencies of your templates to the new ones. Then proceed with the
> ugprade."


> One last thing would be the "Web" => "Template" Module which we could 
> and should recode to remove these dependencies :) Maybe I could take 
> care of this if somebody else decides to take over the other two tasks 
> mentioned above.

I think it is enough to remove corrspnding column from "types" list.

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core team
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