[TYPO3-about] Working as a developer instead of making documentation

Tolleiv Nietsch tolleiv.nietsch at typo3.org
Mon Jan 21 19:51:13 CET 2013


few points that I can think of:

* it's too hard to contribute to documentation (OpenOffice formats
aren't meant for collaboration - ReST hasn't fully arrived)
* there's more direct feedback for newly developed features in the
software compared to well written documentation
* release agendas concentrate on software features and not an
"documentation coverage"
* most contributors work as developers during their main job and
continue that within the community - but the type of documentation
needed for the community differs from what they do during their day job
* importance of documentation is underestimated
* our "role-model contributors" aren't also bad at documentation - "if
they don't do it - why should I"
* the workflows for contribution of documentations and code aren't connected

Hope this helps.


Christian Woebbeking schrieb:
> Hello T3-community,
> TYPO3 certainly is the most used Open Source Enterprise CMS. This is also a
> result because of this community. 
> Since being part of this community as a volunteer inside the T3-Docu-Team I
> often ask myself:
> * Why do people support this kind of projects?
> * And furthermore: Why do people prefer working as a developer instead of
> making documentation?
> Maybe the answers could be:
>  - making documentation sounds boring or
> - there is a lack of time or
> - there is less personal benefit or
> - ...
> Theses question I want to study during my master thesis. But before starting
> a poll regarding this study I want to discuss this with you and listen to
> your ideas.
> Best regards
> Christian.

Tolleiv Nietsch
TYPO3 Core Developer

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