[TYPO3-50-general] (Result) Last minute concept fix? Incosistent class naming for domain models ...

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Fri May 29 12:54:50 CEST 2009

Ingmar Schlecht schrieb:
> What is your criticism here? Are you opting for having *everything*
> suffixed for consistency or would you rather not enforce any suffix at all?

I'm a big fan of consistency. So if FLOW3 uses suffixes I would feel
obliged to suffix my own classes even if they do not match the examples
given in this thread. My reason would be that if models are the only
classes without a suffix, it's necessary to add a suffix to other
classes to distinguish them.

OTOH if models had a "Model" suffix I probably wouldn't add a suffix to
classes that don't fall in the "standard" categories (model, controller,

If models are so important then I "need" a quick way to distinguish them
from other classes. Either they have a suffix or all other classes have
a suffix.


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