[TYPO3-50-general] OrthoScript

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Fri May 18 10:45:58 CEST 2007

Robert Lemke schrieb:
> 10 = Text
> 10.content = 'world!'
> 10.content.processors.1.wrap('Hello my ', '')
> 10.content.processors.2.crop(14, ' ...')
> 10.content.processors.2.wrap('<strong>', '</strong>')

Interesting idea to use "function style" for the processors instead of 
properties. But this might be a problem with more complex processors. In 
particular I'm thinking of the pre-/append object features:

10.content.processors.5.append = TEXT
10.content.processors.5.append.content = ' ]'

 > I'd like to suggest that we use TypoScript only as a configuration
 > syntax for the content rendering.

So what do you suggest for page and user configuration? I (still) think 
it's a good idea to create a base libraray/framework, call it XCL 
extensible configration language, as a set of parser and base classes 
that can be filled with life. TS would only be one application of 
(possibly) many. Ideally XCL can be shipped with just a minimal 
additional framework code and so can be reused in other apps.


PS: Please retain the old uppercase notaion for TS objects. *Your* T3 
5.0 vision goes away much to far from the old spirit. IMHO your 
alienating all current users. I know this isn't the right place for it...

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