[TYPO3-windows] Windows IIS Typo3 Environment - running ImageMagick in PHP safe_mode

Mohr, Andreas andreas.mohr at teraport.de
Tue Mar 13 18:09:11 CET 2007

Hi Typo3 Windows community,

after a week of hard work I finally managed to set up typo3 4.1 under
W2k3 Server R2 with MySQL 4.0.26 and PHP 5.2.0. I made an extensive
documentation of everything I have done which I hope to pass on to
others - because getting there is really cumbersome.

However I still have trouble running the Image Processing. Obviously the
problem is Safe Mode. Apart from pdf and ai files not being readible yet
(which does not bother me a lot at the moment) using ImageMagick 4.2.9
with configuration of safe_mode in PHP.ini set to On does not function.

I tried a lot:
- moved ImageMagick all over the server (I read in the web that Typo3
can only access ImageMagick in certain places...)
- I gave the IUSR and IIS_WPG users ultimate permissions (and took them
away again)
- I tried all kinds of combinations defining the path for ImageMagick in
PHP.ini (single backslashes, double backslashes, no backslash at the end
of the path, even 4 backslashes at the end oft the path).

My current configuration looks like this:
; Safe Mode
safe_mode = Off
safe_mode_gid = Off
safe_mode_include_dir = 
safe_mode_exec_dir = "C:\\Inetpub\\ImageMagick\\"

Does anybody have managed to run safe_mode = On under a comparable

Oh yes, and if youhave a hint why the pdfs and ais cannot be read - a
quick info would be greatly welcome.

Thanx to all

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