[TYPO3-UG US] Drupal vs. TYPO3

Aaron E. Klemm aaron at unripped.org
Wed May 6 21:23:15 CEST 2009


For content-heavy sites it's easy to list features that show off Typo3's 
publishing prowess:

* Workspaces
* robust access permissions (especially with the ACLs extension)
* page tree concept
* re-use of content elements by inserting records
* tt_news and it's vast flexibility
* ...

For community-based sites, it's a little harder. You can mention FE
logins and forums extensions. The community extension Ingo Renner
demonstrated at T3CON09 Dallas is very promising:

If the client is hiring you (a Typo3 consulting company/expert) to
manage and implement the CMS, then Typo3 can be a very clear winner. If
the client plans to take over maintenance and future development with
in-house personnel, then Drupal may be a more efficient choice.

I'd like to know what people think of Typo3 extension development vs.
Drupal module development. What are the pros and cons of extending each



Zachary Davis, Cast Iron Coding LLC wrote:
> We regularly get clients who have been told by their colleagues, 
> acquaintances, etc that they should be looking at Drupal for their CMS 
> needs, and we end up trying to convince them that TYPO3 is a better fit. 
> I expect this happens to the rest of you as well on occasion.
> I'm sure that there are some things that Drupal does better than TYPO3 
> and some things that TYPO3 does better than Drupal, and I'd like to make 
> a list of these items so I can help my clients make educated decisions. 
> What are some of the things that you think TYPO3 does really well in 
> relation to Drupal and vice versa?
> best,
> Zach

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