[TYPO3-UG US] TYPO3 US: audience

Marc Infield marc at infielddesign.com
Thu Nov 3 18:02:29 CET 2005

> Who is the site's primary audience?

TYPO3 needs to be presented as an easy to use system that is flexible  
and extendable

We work mostly with businesses and organizations with less than 100  
employees. In most cases our primary contact is a marketing person  
who's responsibilities extend beyond their web presence. A major  
factor for these people in our experience is ease of use. I recently  
read a thread on the plone list under the subject Plone vs MAMBO vs  
Typo3 and there were comments like

. . . Regarding typo3... its management interface is too hard . . .

. . . I looked at Typo3 recently and at the first glance I did not  
like the UI at all - but YMMV . . .

   I think these guys may have had the wrong impression of TYPO3.   
These were comments by developers but they may have had a very  
different impression if they saw examples that were geared towards a  
content editor as opposed to examples that showed all the whistles  
and bells. If this is a site that is trying to increase awareness and  
adaptation of TYPO3 in the US then it needs to first show off ease of  
to the beginner/novice content editor, without that I think we are  
going to miss out on a lot of potential.

Bla, bla, bla


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