[TYPO3-UG US] This is just about perfect...

Gregory Remington greg at mediatech.net
Thu Nov 3 05:50:52 CET 2005

Jennifer Lynch wrote:
 > It seems to me that we're designing the stage set before the play's been
 > written.  Form should follow function, not precede it. We can spend a 
lot of
 > time debating boxes and furbelows till the cows come home...

Well it doesn't hurt to anticipate the next steps but you're right. We 
can all create our own marketing materials until we collectively put 
together complimentary marketing collateral. I have mine ;)

 > meantime, our deadlines languish and we're still holding the hat out for
 > content to come in.  The worth of the site will not rest on whether we've
 > got a box or not, it'll be found in the quality of the content, the 
ease of
 > navigation, and the soundness of our support documents.

It might be helpful to start doing weekly assessments of progress. What 
gets measured gets done. We have a great start so maybe we should take 
realistic look at what can specifically be done for deadline? What do we 
absolutely need and what can be rescheduled if it doesn't get completed?

 > We have a solid architecture to build on; we could, if enough people
 > participate, get this content filled in (choose your box on the 
concept map,
 > amigos!) and have a fighting chance to put up an exemplary TYPO3 site by
 > next May and begin reaping the rewards of our focused effort.

May sounds like plenty of time to work with. What might help quicken our 
pace is an economic incentive like having our names pinned to whatever 
we do. We may also want to define what markets our collaborative 
documentation offers in terms of specific business solutions. Each of us 
has different goals for TYPO3... we need to assess a common need.

What are our skills sets here as human resources? How can we 
collaboratively utilize these skills to create documentation that serves 
our collaborative business interests?

 > exciting to see a large project coming together, but from experience, I'm
 > telling you that it doesn't happen without getting the content nailed.

Perhaps we need to start carving off little pieces here and finish each 
piece before moving to the next piece. Have we made a list of an 
extension group we need to document before moving to another group?

 > You all have your areas of expertise and interest, scroll down that 
 > till you find the section/page that matches that, and throw your content
 > into the hat.

The roadmap is detailed and well structured. I think it may be a good 
idea to see just how many people can commit their time to finishing 1/3 
of it and "when" that will be. What gets measured gets done. Should we 
make a list of tasks and who's responsible for completing them. I don't 
believe I have a task(s) yet.

 > Then, when we've got it all in, we can head for the bar,
 > drink to our perseverance, and get down to determining just how many 
 > can dance on the head of a pin or on a TYPO3 box, for that matter.  : )

I'm on my 2nd glass of Shiraz ;)

Cheers (really),

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