[TYPO3-UG US] This is just about perfect...

Jennifer Lynch jennifer at tekdevelopment.com
Thu Nov 3 05:11:44 CET 2005

It seems to me that we're designing the stage set before the play's been
written.  Form should follow function, not precede it. We can spend a lot of
time debating boxes and furbelows till the cows come home, but in the
meantime, our deadlines languish and we're still holding the hat out for
content to come in.  The worth of the site will not rest on whether we've
got a box or not, it'll be found in the quality of the content, the ease of
navigation, and the soundness of our support documents.

We have a solid architecture to build on; we could, if enough people
participate, get this content filled in (choose your box on the concept map,
amigos!) and have a fighting chance to put up an exemplary TYPO3 site by
next May and begin reaping the rewards of our focused effort.  It's pretty
exciting to see a large project coming together, but from experience, I'm
telling you that it doesn't happen without getting the content nailed.

You all have your areas of expertise and interest, scroll down that Roadmap
till you find the section/page that matches that, and throw your content
into the hat.  Then, when we've got it all in, we can head for the bar,
drink to our perseverance, and get down to determining just how many angels
can dance on the head of a pin or on a TYPO3 box, for that matter.  : )

On 11/2/05 6:44 PM, "Vincent" <typo3 at crel.us> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 03:05:09PM -0800, Gregory Remington wrote:
>> Reuven Cohen [At work] wrote:
>>> The idea of using a box is insane. Has anyone ever seen a box for any piece
>>> of  true enterprise software. Do you think Vignette comes in a box? People
>>> to decide to use software based on whether its boxed, is probably not going
>>> to use TYPO3 anyway.  The only reason to have a box shot is if you're
>>> selling to a stupid low end consumer, i.e. "Mambo users".
>>> I vote no on box shots.
>> Maybe a set of manuals then tastefully displayed? We need a little
>> visual propaganda... opps ;)
>> http://www.rsvp.ca/rsvp2002/images/services/V4_Manual_cover_2C0.jpg
>> Greg
> When I am researching a piece of software, what has the most affect on
> me visually is plenty of screen shots of the software in action.  In
> typo3's case, especially screen shots of the front end of nice looking
> web sites along with shots of the back end of the same site.
> Pictures of boxes, etc, if they do not really exist, to me, cast an
> impression of hype and BS coming from salesmen and suit monkeys that
> have their ties too tight cutting off the circulation to their brains.
> IMO, from a marketing standpoint, plenty of screen shots and obvious
> links to complete straight forward feature lists is the most effective
> and the most useful.

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