[TYPO3-UG Spain] Limitar el tamaXo en Kb de lo ficheros que se pueden subir a typo3

Nicolas Puente nicolas.puente at lgb-rlp.de
Mon Jul 28 12:30:40 CEST 2008

¿Cómo deseas subir el fichero?
Si lo haces con un formulario, añade
<form action="input_file.htm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

  <p>Elija un archivo de du ordenador:<br>
    <input name="Datei" type="file" size="50" maxlength="100000" accept="text/*">

Hay un método mejor, el que te envío a continuación. No es muy presentable que al usuario se le diga "su imagen es muy grande no se sube". 
Es mejor que la trabajemos y la guardemos nosotros mismos. Eso es lo que hace el siguiente script.

 * This handles uploads of new photos: All files are checked against a number of constraints (filetype,
 * filesize, etc.). If all checks are successfull the files are moved to the configured storage folder.
 * @param		array           SubArray from $_FILES, which includes information about
 * 					uploaded files like temporary folder, size, ...
 * @param		int		The callers $conf array (this is usually passed in the 'main()' function of a plugin.)
 *                                      evaluated values:
 *                              formatsAllowed  string of allowed extensions
 *                              maxSize         maximum size in Kb
 *                              maxW            maxwidth in pixel
 *                              maxH            maxHeight in pixel
 *                              storageFolder   directore to store the uploaded files
 * @return		string	The error HTML. If no errors have occured null is returned.

function handleUploadedFile($infile,$conf) {
	$outfile =$infile;
	$errors = null;

	if (   $infile['name'] != ''
	    && $infile['type'] != ''
	    && $infile['tmp_name'] != ''
//          && checkYourOwnConditions           
	   ) {
		$hasFileErrors = false;
		// Check if file is OK
		if (!$infile['error'] == '0' && $infile['name'] != '') {
			$errors .= 'An unknown error has occured. Please contact your system administrator.';
			$hasFileErrors = true;
		// Check if file type is allowed
		$type = explode('.', $infile['name']);
		$type = strtolower($type[sizeof($type) - 1]);
		$allowedTypes = explode(',', $conf['formatsAllowed']);
		if (array_search($type, $allowedTypes) == '') {
			$errors .= '"'.$infile['name'].'": this file has a wrong filetype<br/>', $conf);
			$hasFileErrors = true;
		// Check if file size is below the allowed limit
		$allowedSize = $conf['maxSize'] * 1024;
		$imgdim = getimagesize($infile['tmp_name']);
		if (   $infile['size'] > $allowedSize   // size in bytes
		    || $imgdim[0] > $conf['maxW']       // width
		    || $imgdim[1] > $conf['maxH']       // height
		   ) {
		        if (0 < $imgdim[2] && $imgdim[2] < 4) { // valid filetype we can resize
		                // move file for handling with IM into directory we can access
				$storageFolder = $conf['storageFolder'];
				$uniqueTmpFilename = tempnam($storagefolder,'tmp_'.$infile['name']);
				// Move file to configured storage directory
				t3lib_div::upload_copy_move($infile['tmp_name'], $uniqueTmpFilename);

				// resize image
				//$ts['img.']['format']=$imgtypes[$imgdim[2]];  // keep fileformat
				// delete original pic

				// as this file will not be moved (it is no uploaded file) we have to do it by ourself
				// get final name:
				$uniqueFilename = tempnam($storeagefolder,$infile['name']);
				// move tmp file to final destination:
				if (!rename($outfile['tmp_name'], $uniqueFilename)) {
					if (copy($outfile['tmp_name'], $uniqueFilename)) {

				// do further action with uploaded file:
				// Create database record
				// $dimensions = getimagesize($uniqueFilename);
				// $this->createNewRecord($uniqueFilename, filesize($uniqueFilename), $dimensions[0], $dimensions[1]);
				// no further handling needed:
				$hasFileErrors= true;
				$errors .= '"'.$infile['name'].'": Image was to large. It has been resized.<br/>', $conf);
			} else {
			        // not resizeable format
				$errors .= '"'.$infile['name'].'": File was to large. It has been ignored<br/>', $conf);
				$hasFileErrors = true;

		// Move file, if no errors have occured
		if (!$hasFileErrors) {
			// Make filename unique
			$uniqueFilename = tempnam($conf['storageFolder'],$infile['name']);

			// Move file to configured storage directory
			t3lib_div::upload_copy_move($outfile['tmp_name'], $uniqueFilename);
			$dimensions = getimagesize($uniqueFilename);

			// do further action with uploaded file:
			// Create database record
			// $dimensions = getimagesize($uniqueFilename);
			// $this->createNewRecord($uniqueFilename, filesize($uniqueFilename), $dimensions[0], $dimensions[1]);

	return $errors;

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