[Typo3-UG Australia] Dummy Testsite Package

Peter Dawson peter at nlpinformation.com
Mon May 30 11:24:32 CEST 2005

Hello all,

Sorry for this extremely dumb question.  I am having problems installing 
the dummy testsite on my local server.  I downloaded BigApache onto 
windows xp and I believe it is properly installed and everything is 
working well.

These are the instructions for installing the typo3 testsite:

Install the TESTSITE package...

This package contains a pre-built site with loads of examples of what 
TYPO3 can do, and how to do it...
1 - Extract the package to a suitable location on the server's hard drive
     - Windows users note 1...you should download one of the ZIP packages
     - Windows users note 2...you should avoid locations that will 
result in a path with spaces (e.g. Programme Files or My Documents), 
because it will cause problems within TYPO3
     - Linux users note 1...you have a choice of packages...the plain 
source code, which does not include the testsite database...use this 
with testsite.tgz, which contains the testsite, or use the ZIP package 
as on Windows
     - Linux users note 2...if you use the tgz packages, you must check 
the symlinks exist and point to the correct location, or create them 
(see the document Installing Upgrading for details)
     - Linux users note 3...you may want to create a user and group 
called "httpd" or "apache", and do the installation whilst logged in as 
that user
2 - Set up your web server to point to the correct location. Set the 
default document to be index.php (this is done with the DirectoryIndex 
directive in Apache)
3 - If you are using Linux, or windows with an NTFS file system, ensure 
the following files & folders are writable by the server.../typo3temp, 
/typo3/temp, /typo3conf/localconf.php (chmod 755 or 777 on Linux)
4 - If you are setting up TYPO3 from anywhere other than on the server 
itself (where you can use as the address), open 
/typo3/install/index.php in your text editor and comment out lines 40 & 
41 (adding /* at the beginning of the blank line before line 40, and */ 
on the blank line after line 41)
5 - Open your web browser and hit http://[your.site.name] or You'll initially see an error message page, but will 
be immediately re-directed to the 1-2-3 Install Tool
6 - Enter the information...
     - Step 1...database username, password & host [click update 
     - Step 2...either select the database if you created one earlier, 
or enter a name in option 2 [click update localconf.php]
     - Step 3...the database file name should be shown in the box [click 
Import database]
     - That's it!...the basic installation is complete
7 - You've now got 3 options...either...
     - Open & browse the testsite
     - Open the back end administration area (BE)
     - Finish configuring the installation...this is recommended because 
there are lots of options that you can configure, including image processing
8 - When you have finished setting up TYPO3, and especially if your site 
is on a public server, for security you MUST...
Either delete the /install folder, protect it using a .ht access file or 
at least change the install tool password
Create a new administration user with a name and password that cannot be 
guessed (on page 2 of the Install Tool, Database Analyser)

I actually can't figure out the process for the second step and the 
third one at this stage.  Difficult to come to a screeching halt when 
you haven't even started yet but I managed it.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Many thanks.


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