[TYPO3-translators] Can I be a translator?

Franz Malten Buemann info at t3p.dk
Fri Jul 14 08:54:13 CEST 2006

>What should I do? -- Do I have to send the translations to the
>extension authors, from whom not everybody is available or is there any
>glorious online system available?

Answer to online system from lars:

>>Anyways, since the release of TER2 there has been no online interface
>>for translating extensions. Also, it has been very uncertain how the
>>translations process for extensions was to be done. I am personally
>>sure if there is any good solution yet!

So the answer to your question must be that yes you have to sent the
translations directly to the authors of the extentions.


Franz Malten  Buemann

-----Original Message-----


Are you just all ignorant assholes out there with no sense of replying
to a polite question?!!!

Yes: I read http://typo3.org/extensions/translators/ a long time ago
and basically just want to add Danish translations to the extensions
where it's missing!

Morten :-(

>>> 07-04-2006 10:44:14 >>>

>>> 05-04-2006 10:11 >>>
Hi all!

I have been developing quite a few company-specific extensions for
Typo3 over the last couple of years (did one public extension as

Some of the extensions we use, aren't translated to Danish, which I
have done manually afterwards (edited files by hand), so I wondered
whether any of you could grant be access to the extensions
interface somehow, so my translations could be made public to the rest
of you hungering Danes out there...

What do I need to do?

Best regards,

Morten Egelund Rasmussen
Copenhagen, Denmark

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