[TYPO3-v4] Automatically enabled install tool

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Wed Aug 3 15:17:24 CEST 2011


Am 03.08.2011 14:29, schrieb Ernesto Baschny [cron IT]:
> On the other hand, I think the "Install Tool" is way too abused with
> functionality and is a mix of "One time activity" and "Site specific
> configuration options":
> As a TYPO3 Hoster I would love to be able to simply LOCK the install
> tool and not enable it for any customer.
> But then the customer needs to configure their "404 handling", a
> developer wants to configure the displayErrors / devIPmask, the
> customer's admin wants to configure the "sessionTimeout", and maybe
> "lockSSL". So they need the "whole install tool".
> If these above mentioned settings where to be done somewhere else, it
> would be very rare that people need to really enter the "Install Tool".
> Maybe splitting up the functionality into different modules would help
> and keeping the "Install Tool" slim.

absolutely! We have the configuration module which should be used for 
exact these settings. This module needs some polish anyways. There are 
some possibilities to save changed settings and it could be used for 
common configuration of the site.

The install tool should only be used for first install and may be a 
later verify. I know many apps where you have to delete the install tool 
after installation to get rid of warning message.

So imho this has to be done:
- install tool can stay as it is. Should be deactivated completely after 
- configuration module should get the "All configuration" part
- DB check module should get the compare DB / import options

Then everything would be at the dedicated place.

vg Steffen

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