[TYPO3-v4] Highlight extbase extensions

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Tue Aug 17 14:11:25 CEST 2010


just for the initial question - if extension authors set dependency to 
extbase, it would be possible to show this in ter_fe. Anyway i'm for 
showing dependencies there, also allow filtering to this dependency. So 
you easy could get a set of extbase using extensions without an extra 
mark for those.

Dmitry Dulepov schrieb:
welcome in the obsolete club, i'm still one of those :)

Many things in extension development are matter of taste and developing 
speed. If i have a job for an extension, i need to be fast, and this is 
mostly with pi_base in my case. I did the same experiences like you, but 
i decided to wait until i see good working integrations of real life use 
cases to give it another chance.

Transition is fine, but i think it promises too much to say that extbase 
extension can be easy transformed to v5. When i look to my extensions, 
after 2 years i would do them new from the scratch instead of transform, 
but maybe you are more perfect (you != Dmitry but all)

Learning examples are a good way to dig into new stuff. Instead of 
authors blogging like you suggested there also could be a buzz category
"Best extensions" where from time to time an extension is presented. 
Also possible there a "Best extbase extension"
We only need authors doing this ...

vg Steffen

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