[TYPO3-mvc] Objects created through eID action remain empty

Daniel Völkel d.voelkel at medienwuerfel.de
Mon Sep 15 09:34:47 CEST 2014

Hi Helmut,

> 3. There are requests that call your actions, without properly 
> initialized TCA
> The datamap factory is mainly built from TCA. If the cache is empty an a 
> request happens that calls Extbase actions without a properly 
> initialized TCA, no mapping information is cached for model properties, 
> leading to the case that no properties are mapped except uid and pid, 
> which are hardcoded.

If I understand correctly, the objects should be empty before the mapping information is cached? In my case, the objects are empty after the mapping information is cached. 
So I assume my TCA is somehow incorrect because empty objects also appear from ajax actions not called within other ajax actions.
> Do you still use eID disaptchers (maybe from other extensions) that 
> trigger usage of the models in question? Or any other code that uses a 
> (incomplete) TYPO3 bootstrap?

I still have some eID dispatchers, but they haven't been called in this case, all actions have been placed as a single content element on my page. 

Kind regards,

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