[TYPO3-mvc] TYPO3-Core complete rebuild to realize modern development paradigms?

Christoph Werner werner at sysfire.de
Thu Aug 22 11:21:40 CEST 2013

Hi all!

Two points to think about:

1.) Most customers dont care about a nice codebase. They want to buy a
system, which has to work and which they can use over an long period.
The need of "normal" updates is sometimes hard to explain to a customer,
breaking changes will be really hard, because there is just a small
profit for the customer, but in some cases a lot of costs.
Breaking changes have to be done, thats right, but sometimes a slow
contineous development is the better way. Other CMS dont look a
backwards compatibility so much, I think its one the strong point TYPO3 has.
Everyone who had to communicate the costs of a breaking changes update
to a non tech customer (which sees no real profit, but maybe a lot of
costs) know thats a not a good thing.

2.) The TYPO3-Community should not be split in to many building lots.
That would split the capacities and its even hard right now to explain a
none TYPO3-enthusiast why there are that many versions parallel (4.5,
6.x, Neos...).

In the end, the enduser pays for our work, so we need to find solutions
to fit their needs and not just focus on developer issurs.

Just my 2 cents...

Best Regards

Am 12.08.2013 20:16, schrieb chris Wolff:> Just to Make it Clear:
> the v4 version in the berlin Manifesto Refers to TYPO3 CMS 4.x, 6.x ....
> and v5 Refers to what is now Know as TYPO3 Neos
> regeards chris
> 2013/8/12 Philipp Gampe <philipp.gampe at typo3.org>:
>> Hi Gabriel,
>> Gabriel Kaufmann | Typoworx wrote:
>>> We are developers also trying to provide patches and bugfixes for
>>> TYPO3-Core and came to the idea, that some parts of TYPO3-Core are just
>>> too much got stucked in it's current code-concept.
>> Others already answered to your questions, but I want to add
something for
>> clarification: the vision
>> We - the active contributor, thus the active devs - are well aware of the
>> current limitations and the technological deeps of the current TYPO3 CMS
>> core.
>> That means that we will not change or rewrite TCEmain or TCEforms. That
>> would break to much.
>> Also we will try to create an easy transition for extensions, meaning we
>> will only break stuff if the core can be replaced with little work.
>> Of course we are not bound to this, but that can be seen as the main
>> For the new concepts and the radical rewritten approaches, we have Flow
>> (Framework) and Neos (CMS).
>> We will try to converge CMS with Flow/Neos further and further, see also
>> Berlino Manifesto:
>> http://typo3.org/roadmap/berlin-manifesto/
>> (TYPO3 v5 is the code name of TYPO3 Flow/Neos)
>> We hope that we can arrange an integration of Flow and CMS in TYPO3
7.0 (in
>> about a year), but we are not sure if this will work out.
>> The idea is, that you can use any Flow package (including Neos)
alongside of
>> CMS. Then you can write your custom code with Flow, but still use CMS for
>> the parts that you need - getting the best of both worlds. But this
is still
>> far future.
>> Nevertheless, we will try to implement (composer) package support in
>> CMS 6.2 LTS (most likely without graphical management tool). That
would mean
>> that you could use any composer lib inside CMS 6.2 (e.g. doctrine).
>> And of course we will continue to cleanup the backend and to rewrite
some of
>> the modules to extbase/fluid.
>> The vision document has not been published as far as I know, but you can
>> read the main points in the protocols of the active contributor meetups
>> (ACME).
>> I really suggest that you take a look at Flow, because I really think
>> you will find there what you want :)
>> http://flow.typo3.org/
>> Best regards
>> --
>> Philipp Gampe – PGP-Key 0AD96065 – TYPO3 UG Bonn/Köln
>> Documentation – Active contributor TYPO3 CMS
>> TYPO3 .... inspiring people to share!
>> _______________________________________________
>> TYPO3-project-typo3v4mvc mailing list
>> TYPO3-project-typo3v4mvc at lists.typo3.org
>> http://lists.typo3.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/typo3-project-typo3v4mvc

sysfire GmbH
Isarstrasse 32 | 90451 Nürnberg
Fon  + 49 (0)911 - 9626324 - 0 | Fax  + 49 (0)911 - 9626324 - 40
christoph.werner at sysfire.de | http://www.sysfire.de
http://www.facebook.de/sysfire | http://www.twitter.com/@sysfire

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Nürnberg
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Nürnberg, HRB 24905

Dipl. Betriebswirt (FH) Christoph Werner
Dipl. Informatiker (FH) Martin Neumeyer
Dipl. Informatiker (FH) Frank Enser

PS: Jetzt TYPO3 CMS erleben und kennenlernen auf www.typo3-demoseite.de

Am 12.08.2013 20:16, schrieb chris Wolff:
> Just to Make it Clear:
> the v4 version in the berlin Manifesto Refers to TYPO3 CMS 4.x, 6.x ....
> and v5 Refers to what is now Know as TYPO3 Neos
> regeards chris
> 2013/8/12 Philipp Gampe <philipp.gampe at typo3.org>:
>> Hi Gabriel,
>> Gabriel Kaufmann | Typoworx wrote:
>>> We are developers also trying to provide patches and bugfixes for
>>> TYPO3-Core and came to the idea, that some parts of TYPO3-Core are just
>>> too much got stucked in it's current code-concept.
>> Others already answered to your questions, but I want to add something for
>> clarification: the vision
>> We - the active contributor, thus the active devs - are well aware of the
>> current limitations and the technological deeps of the current TYPO3 CMS
>> core.
>> That means that we will not change or rewrite TCEmain or TCEforms. That
>> would break to much.
>> Also we will try to create an easy transition for extensions, meaning we
>> will only break stuff if the core can be replaced with little work.
>> Of course we are not bound to this, but that can be seen as the main idea.
>> For the new concepts and the radical rewritten approaches, we have Flow
>> (Framework) and Neos (CMS).
>> We will try to converge CMS with Flow/Neos further and further, see also
>> Berlino Manifesto:
>> http://typo3.org/roadmap/berlin-manifesto/
>> (TYPO3 v5 is the code name of TYPO3 Flow/Neos)
>> We hope that we can arrange an integration of Flow and CMS in TYPO3 7.0 (in
>> about a year), but we are not sure if this will work out.
>> The idea is, that you can use any Flow package (including Neos) alongside of
>> CMS. Then you can write your custom code with Flow, but still use CMS for
>> the parts that you need - getting the best of both worlds. But this is still
>> far future.
>> Nevertheless, we will try to implement (composer) package support in TYPO3
>> CMS 6.2 LTS (most likely without graphical management tool). That would mean
>> that you could use any composer lib inside CMS 6.2 (e.g. doctrine).
>> And of course we will continue to cleanup the backend and to rewrite some of
>> the modules to extbase/fluid.
>> The vision document has not been published as far as I know, but you can
>> read the main points in the protocols of the active contributor meetups
>> (ACME).
>> I really suggest that you take a look at Flow, because I really think that
>> you will find there what you want :)
>> http://flow.typo3.org/
>> Best regards
>> --
>> Philipp Gampe – PGP-Key 0AD96065 – TYPO3 UG Bonn/Köln
>> Documentation – Active contributor TYPO3 CMS
>> TYPO3 .... inspiring people to share!
>> _______________________________________________
>> TYPO3-project-typo3v4mvc mailing list
>> TYPO3-project-typo3v4mvc at lists.typo3.org
>> http://lists.typo3.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/typo3-project-typo3v4mvc

sysfire GmbH
Isarstrasse 32 | 90451 Nürnberg
Fon  + 49 (0)911 - 9626324 - 0 | Fax  + 49 (0)911 - 9626324 - 40
christoph.werner at sysfire.de | http://www.sysfire.de
http://www.facebook.de/sysfire | http://www.twitter.com/@sysfire

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Nürnberg
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Nürnberg, HRB 24905

Dipl. Betriebswirt (FH) Christoph Werner
Dipl. Informatiker (FH) Martin Neumeyer
Dipl. Informatiker (FH) Frank Enser

PS: Jetzt TYPO3 CMS erleben und kennenlernen auf www.typo3-demoseite.de

More information about the TYPO3-project-typo3v4mvc mailing list