[TYPO3-mvc] _hmac behaving strangely

Braulio J. Solano-Rojas braulio at solsoft.biz
Sat Aug 21 03:34:15 CEST 2010

El 20/08/2010 02:56 p.m., Braulio J. Solano-Rojas escribió:
> [Snip]
> <f:form method="post" action="create" object="{newQuote}"
> onsubmit="validate();">

That helper needed the parameter name on it. I did not realized that I 
eliminated that parameter before...

I found out the solution because debugging the getName method of 
Tx_Fluid_ViewHelpers_Form_AbstractFormFieldViewHelper I saw that there 
is an if ($this->isObjectAccessorMode()) that reads the property 
parameter inside of it.  The condition was always false.  The method 
isObjectAccesorMode checks that the form has a name with 

I think that it is not very intuitive that a form needs a name in order 
to be in object accesor mode.  In fact, what is logical for me is that 
the parameter object indicates that mode.  Maybe that method should be 
something like:

protected function isObjectAccessorMode() {
	return $this->arguments->hasArgument('property')
		&& $this->arguments->hasArgument('object');

However that method written like that will not work because in that 
context there is not an object argument.

I really think that the object property of the form helper should 
determinate the object mode instead of the name parameter.

Best regards,


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