[TYPO3-mvc] Using RTE in form.textarea?

Joerg Schoppet joerg at schoppet.de
Fri Oct 2 23:39:43 CEST 2009


Sebastian Kurfürst schrieb:
> Hi Joerg,
>> 1. is it possible, as of now, to use/configure a RTE for a
>> fluid-generated textarea?
> No, but feel free to create a ViewHelper for that, and you could use the
> f:form.textarea VH as a starting point or as a basis. I'm curious how
> well it works out!
Sounds interesting. I'll try it.

>> 2. Great would perhaps be the possibility to automatically invoke the
>> TCA-config.
> However there is one thing I am not yet sure about: Do we actually
> _want_ such big integration into TCA? The reason why this might be
> counterproductive in the long term is that we don't have any TCA stuff
> in FLOW3.
Yep, you are right. Then also some "TCA"-VHs would not be meaningful, 
because they are also totally not usable in FLOW3, right?

> The extbase kickstarter (btw did you check it out already? :-) )
Just tried it. Interesting concepts. And alpa-state is visible ;-)
Main thing I don't understand is, why a complete new 
javascript-framework (yui) is used and not the buildin extjs?


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