[TYPO3-mvc] Using RTE in form.textarea?

Sebastian Kurfürst sebastian at typo3.org
Fri Oct 2 19:29:52 CEST 2009

Hi Joerg,

> 1. is it possible, as of now, to use/configure a RTE for a
> fluid-generated textarea?
No, but feel free to create a ViewHelper for that, and you could use the
f:form.textarea VH as a starting point or as a basis. I'm curious how
well it works out!

> 2. Great would perhaps be the possibility to automatically invoke the
> TCA-config.
>  ...
> Comments, tips, hints?
Sounds interesting :) Feature Freeze for 1.0 (released with 4.3) is
already over, but we can think about it for 4.4.

However there is one thing I am not yet sure about: Do we actually
_want_ such big integration into TCA? The reason why this might be
counterproductive in the long term is that we don't have any TCA stuff
in FLOW3.

The extbase kickstarter (btw - did you check it out already? :-) )
currently creates @validate annotations and TCA validations "in sync"
right now, but when the kickstarter is finished, the user has to care
for that himself.
Maybe something different would be really cool: use @validate
annotations (f.e.) and create some special validator for TCA, which just
checks against the @validate annotations... However this could be quite
hard as the TCA validations are done via JavaScript.

Greets from Dresden and thanks for your ideas,

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