[TYPO3-ttnews] Switch to news2

Thomas Kowtsch thomas at kowtsch.de
Sat Sep 17 22:02:37 CEST 2011

Hi Jordan,

On 16.09.2011 18:35, Jordan van Bergen wrote:
> My cup of tea: it's sad to see a new news extension on the horizon.
> What will the current users of tt_news have to do if tt_news is no
> longer supported by a new version of TYPO3?

Pretty much the same as today: Either watch for a supported replacement 
or patch it on their own. Yes, life is not fair, sometimes...

> They have to switch to a news extension they don't know. tt_news does
> a great job for 5+ years already and EVERY effort should be put in
> this extension and not into a new one.

Making a cut like is always hard, but on the other hand: Sometimes, 
simple code refactoring does not help anymore. Microsoft tried (and 
failed) hiding DOS from users by a neat integration into Windows95/98, 
but they failed. What versions (and time) did they need to a stable x64 
operating system for desktops in place?
Time goes by, and not everything that is "historically grown" and widely 
used is future-proof.

Just thinking of all the trouble I had to get tt_news running on my last 
project in the way it was required... It doesn't make sense to provide a 
follow-up extension that is compatible with all those cruel hacks and 
side-effects. If a new version - that can support TYPO3v5 as well - 
would *not* support these hacks anymore, everyone would complain anyway.

So, why not start new with the learnings from the last years, with some 
core features, extendable, v5 future-proof, an active maintainer that 
knows what's going on?

> As you can see I don't like the new news extension. Haven't looked at
> it

No comment ;-)

 > but I have to I guess as probably tt_news won't be supported
> anymore some day.

It's not really supported for some time already. But it has a large 
community which already found a solution to almost any bug or special 
use case.

 > So never saw news so I can't say anything about it
> but the idea of yet another news extension makes me wanna ..... ;-)

... what? Jump for joy that there might be a userfriendly way to get FE 
editing? Yeah, thats really cool 8-)

> Now a question for you: why do you want to switch from tt_news to
> news? Can you explain this to this group?

Even if I'm not the person you're asking: I want to start switching to 
extbase/fluid based extensions as soon as possible, in order to know 
what expects me with TYPO3 v5.
Secondly, I've spent too much hours with configuring around tt_news 
problems. I did not finish the conversion yet, but cloning a production 
site to a dev system, replacing tt_news by news, writing down the 
conversion steps taken is easier & faster for me until now than to have 
the same config pain again at another site.

And if I miss a feature, it gives me the chance to dig into an extbase 
extension that is still freshly built and not extended over years - and 
thus to understand extbase better than with any book.

So - many thanks to Georg for all the work!


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