[TYPO3-ttnews] News2: How to preview an article while editing / Usage of previewHiddenRecords

Georg Ringer typo3 at ringerge.org
Tue Nov 15 16:03:02 CET 2011

Am 15.11.2011 15:03, schrieb Felix Nagel:
> I did try to add the pageTS snippet but without success. Flexform config
> of previewHiddenRecords does work, TS only not.

if a setting got the same name in flexforms as in TS, flexform will 
override the TS setting, also if *nothing* is set in flexforms. If you 
*don't want that, you need to add the name of the setting to the TS 
setting "overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty" which resets the setting to 
the one of TS.

> But even when using a new page (for hidden preview only) with a detail
> view mode plugin and checked flexform previewHiddenRecords I mot quite
> sure how an editor should be able to access the hidden article without
> changing the URL parameter.

--- page a
--- page b <-- plugin with detail view + "Allow preview of hidden
--- recordsfolder <-- news records

on root or on sysfolder, set the tsconfig from manual with the ID of 
"page b".

a user will look at the news record and press the save+preview button 
and page b should be opened including the record.

if this is not the case, add it as bug to the forge project. if it works 
I would be happy for a better manual/wiki entry/...


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