[TYPO3-ttnews] New Record in module problem

Dan Osipov dosipov at phillyburbs.com
Tue Apr 8 16:33:19 CEST 2008

I'm still not clear on this issue:

The reason I say this is because clicking the new category button 
creates a new category, using the page selected in the left frame as the 
record page. But clicking the new "news record" fails, because the 
parameter passed (edit[ttnews][8]) is a non-existent page.

We have multiple sites using the same Typo3 installation, and they each 
have their own record page to which they have access. Therefore setting 
a common record page through mod.web_txttnewsM1.list.pidForNewArticles 
would not work. Am I missing something?

I think the new module is a great and long awaited feature, but it still 
needs a lot of usability improvement!

Dan Osipov
Calkins Media

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