[TYPO3-Solr] Mount Points in Index Queue Worker

Klaus Fumy klaus.fumy at uni-ulm.de
Tue Feb 28 09:40:57 CET 2012

Am 26.02.12 22:30, schrieb Andreas Thurnheer-Meier (iresults gmbh):
> I have a tree with some Mount Points. The Shedule-Task "Index Queue Worker" stops and the following error occures: "Failed to execute Page Indexer Request.class.tx_solr_indexqueue_pageindexerrequest.php, line 144". The request URL which causes the error is "http://.../index.php?id=1175&MP=288-1184&L=0". When I open this URL in a browser the following error occures: "The requested page didn't have a proper connection to the tree-root!  (MP value remain!)". The Mount Point is configured as "Show content from this page". In the menu on the page, the link to the Mount Point is generated without the MP-Param. How can I configure solr to index the Mount Points correctly? Can anybody help me? (EAP-Version 2.6.0).
> Thanks Andreas

I have the same problem here. (TYPO3 4.5.11, solr 2.0, templaVoila 1.6.1 
...) I updated the solr extension from 1.3 to 2.0. Everything works but 
the "index queue worker" not. So nothing is sent to the server...
Help appreciated.
Thanks in advcance klaus

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