[TYPO3-Solr] Solr server connection issue

Ingo Renner ingo at typo3.org
Tue Jul 26 19:56:44 CEST 2011

Am 20.07.11 12:41, schrieb Shanmugarajan K:

Hi Shan,

> exception 'tx_solr_NoSolrConnectionFoundException' with message 'Could not
> find a Solr connection for root page [3548] and language [1]. Initial page
> used was [4337]' in E:\xampp\htdocs\typo3\t3lib\class.t3lib_div.php:5284

So what you're trying to do - or the extension in that case - is to 
index a page or do a query on a page.
Your page is translated (language ID 1).

The solr extension tries to do as much as possible so you don't have to 
take care of those things. So the extension also tries to determine all 
the possible connections to Solr servers as configured through TypoScript.

To trigger the extension to read the configuration you need to clear the 
configuration cache (green lightning). The extension then looks for root 
pages (Use as root page page property) and languages set up on the tree 
root page (page ID 0). It then tries to read the TypoScript 
configuration for each combination of root pages and languages.

The result of that is written (as serialized array) to the registry. The 
connection manager then uses the registry to look up the connections.

In your case this fails (obviously)...

On reason could be that you have too many combinations of root pages and 
languages. Then the field the connections are stored in the registry 
could be too small. Please check the tx_solr.servers entry in the 
registry whether it is present and complete. If it's truncated increase 
the field's size to mediumblob - default is blob. That might help...

Also, please check the status report, there are quite a few checks to 
help you get started if something's wrong with your installation.

let me know if that helped...


Ingo Renner
TYPO3 Core Developer, Release Manager TYPO3 4.2, Admin Google Summer of Code

TYPO3 - Open Source Enterprise Content Management System

Apache Solr for TYPO3 -
Open Source Enterprise Search meets Open Source Enterprise CMS

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