[TYPO3-Solr] T3Solr and FE Groups

Patrick Gaumond patrick.gaumond-nospam at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 16 14:55:16 CET 2009

Ingo Renner wrote:

> Long story short: We currently support FE groups but we'll have to adopt 
> the indexed search implementation of FE group support to fix some issues 
> we found with our current solution. However, this is not an issue 
> performance wise for Solr as it is for indexed search.

Hey Ingo,

Thanks for the lengthy and detailed answer.

 > Hope that helps

It does. My only remaining question is "do we have to configure stuff in 
TS for groups access with T3Solr as in Indexed Search?"

My experience with Indexed Search was some time ago but I remember that 
having hundreds of FE Groups was problematic to set. (not talking about 
performance but config and management)

Thanks for your input !


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