[TYPO3-rte] can't add new anchor class - SOLVED

Thorsten Indra t3lists-2010 at thorstenindra.com
Tue Jan 12 15:24:18 CET 2010

After hours of research, manual reading and code study, I found this link, 
which explains how to do it (in German):

The trick is basically this: "addToList" -  := addToList(yourclass)
(See details below)
One just has to add the following TS of your home page:
## add class "testklasse" ##
RTE.default.proc.allowedClasses := addToList(testklasse)
RTE.default.classesLinks := addToList(testklasse)
RTE.default.classesAnchor := addToList(testklasse)
RTE.classesAnchor := addToList(testklasse)

RTE.classesAnchor.testklasse {
class = testklasse
type = page, url, mail, download
titleText = Open Link

RTE.classesAnchor.testklasse.titleText = write your own title-text
RTE.classesAnchor.testklasse.altText = here is your alt-text
Hope this helps someone.


Thorsten Indra wrote:
> Hello,
> I need the RTE browser to show me an additional class ("websnapr") for
> external links in the browser.
> That should be easy enough  I thought, but after hours of reading the
> manual and forums I am still not successful (T3 newbie,
> non-programmer ...).
> I have tried adding an anchor class in the page config TS of the Home
> page, but must be doing something wrong.
> I have also tried enabling the accessibility feature, but that did
> not seem to make a difference either.
> Can someone please tell me how and where to add the class "websnapr"
> to an external link?
> (I am using rtehtmlarea 1.8.6 and Typo 4.3)
> Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,
Thorsten Indra 

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