[TYPO3-rte] can't add new anchor class

Thorsten Indra t3lists-2010 at thorstenindra.com
Mon Jan 11 22:11:20 CET 2010


I need the RTE browser to show me an additional class ("websnapr") for 
external links in the browser.

That should be easy enough  I thought, but after hours of reading the manual 
and forums I am still not successful (T3 newbie, non-programmer ...).

I have tried adding an anchor class in the page config TS of the Home page, 
but must be doing something wrong.
I have also tried enabling the accessibility feature, but that did not seem 
to make a difference either.

Can someone please tell me how and where to add the class "websnapr" to an 
external link?
(I am using rtehtmlarea 1.8.6 and Typo 4.3)

Thanks in advance!
Best Regards,
Thorsten Indra 

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