[TYPO3-RTE] Width of the RTE-editing-window in not-fullsreen-mode

Christopher Christopher at temporaryforwarding.com
Sat Nov 15 00:19:44 CET 2008

Hi Stan!

"Stanislas Rolland" <typo3 at sjbr.ca> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1226694519.9410.typo3-project-rte at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hi Christopher,
>>>> Is there a way to hide the button "Open RTE in Fullscreen"?
>>> At the moment: No.
> Here is a workaround for the absence of configuration option.
> In the ext_tables.php file of some extension, add the following two lines:
> t3lib_div::loadTCA('tt_content');
> unset($TCA['tt_content']['columns']['bodytext']['config']['wizards']['RTE']);
> Then clear the TYPO3 configuration cache.
> This will do the trick for tt_content bodytext. You would have to do the 
> same for any other RTE-enabled field for which you want the same setting.

thank you once again.
This removes the button as it should!

One really small issue is left: The RTE is displayed in this tiny box, you 
When taking the button away, the text-editing-field lies directly on the 
right edge of the thin box which surrounds the editing-area.
= The text-area does not have a padding to the right side, while it has one 
on the left side.



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