[TYPO3-project-formidable] process/beforeRender or alternative solution

Koen Tilley k.tilley at semaforce.be
Mon Nov 24 01:46:22 CET 2008

Hello Ameos, Hello list,

I am working with FORMidable 2.0.266 and try to manipulate some data before
a form is rendered (my form uses datahandler:DB and renderer:TEMPLATE).

In the source code I find references to "process/beforeRender", which is
exactly what I need (I think).
However, the part in the source code (in class.tx_ameosformidable.php) where
the related function "_processBeforeRender" is called is commented out.

It seems from older posts that this used to work in previous versions.

Is this feature going to return? 

Is there any other way to intercept the formdata array and modify it before
the form is rendered?

Thanks in advance,

Koen Tilley
Semaforce bvba
E-mail: k.tilley at semaforce.be

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