[TYPO3-project-formidable] Lister Sorting and Pager with AJAX

Michael Hilgers mhil at mhil.at
Sun Nov 23 14:13:27 CET 2008



I experimented with the Lister & Ajax and started with the example "Refresh
a LIST with AJAX" at


Everything works very fine and I was able to build a quite flexible,
combined search & input form (application) with multiple Listers.


But when one tries to sort one of the ajax "refreshed" Lister by clicking on
a column head the form (application) is reset.

Of course this is because the state of the form(application) is kept in the
sandbox which is cleared on reload.


Now I have the following questions:

*) Is it possible to set the "mode" of the Lister to AJAX: which would
change the sorting,paging functions to Ajax functions ?

*) Is it possible to disable sorting per column like <column
sortable="false" type="renderlet:TEXT" .

*) Is it possible to have a "persistant" sandbox 


This Thread
0935.html seems to touch the same issue - but I could not find any solution


THX a lot 4 formidable & any 4 your help and feedback 


Michael Hilgers


Rimplergasse 20/10

A-1180 Wien


mobile +43 (0)664 20 60 814

mail mhil at mhil.at 

www www.mhil.at


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