[TYPO3-project-formidable] v1. Branch, v2.x Branch: Roadmap

Manuel Rego Casasnovas mrego at igalia.com
Fri May 23 11:53:51 CEST 2008

Hi Jermome,

On Fri, 2008-05-23 at 11:06 +0200, Jerome Schneider wrote:
> Hi folks,
> We simplified and improved the inner data-structure of Formidable in
> last couple of days.
> As it turned out, It's far too difficult to ensure a reasonable
> of back-compat while making things evolve at this stage.
> Here's the roadmap for the future of formidable:
> *up to revision 183*: This branch is to be considered as v1.x. We'll 
> continue to maintain it and bugfix it, but it will remain feature
> *between 184 and 200*: These revisions are to be considered
> unusable, transition bugs
> *revision 200 and above*: This branch is to be considered as v2.x.
> version will free itselves from back-compat problems on particular 
> deprecated features, that will be removed from Formidable. We'll 
> maintain a deprecation list between 1.x and 2.x on
> to ease the migration process. Note: aside from deprecated stuff, 
> back-compat should be possible between Branches 1 and 2.
> Soon I'll publish a deprecation list, along with the new statements
> will structure branch 2, as well as new features that these changes
> making possible. Mainly : datahandler:LISTER disappears,
as /recombine 
> on renderlets and /customTags. A detailed post follows in this

This is a very good idea.

Please don't forget me, I'd help you. If you like I can help with this
new data-structure.

> Some problems:
> * How to handle the two branches of the same extension on the TER ?
> EXT:seminars guys experienced such issues as they were using 0.7.x 
> version in seminars, while we wrere releasing v1.0.0 on the TER. If 
> someone could have a brilliant idea here, I'm buying !

I think that it isn't possible. But we can modify URL of TER and get the
release that we want:

In a future:

> * Has someone advices on how to create a new branch on the SVN ?

I know how to do that, if you like and give access to FORMidable
repository I'd can do it.

A common SVN structure, and I think that FORMidable should have the same
structure will be something like:
 |- trunk
 |- branches
 |- tags

You should keep the "cutting-edge" develop at trunk. And you should have
a branch "formidable-1.0" where you'll keep fixing bugs.

Moreover I think that it's a good idea have a folder tags, when you
should keep your releases copying older revisions to this folder and
getting something like: tags/formidable-0.7, tags/formidable-1.0 and in
a future tags/formidable-2.0.

In this folders you shouldn't fix bugs, only have the releases.

Commands to do it would be something like:

svn mkdir http://sourceforge.net/projects/formidable/trunk
svn move
http://sourceforge.net/projects/formidable/api http://sourceforge.net/projects/formidable/trunk
http://sourceforge.net/projects/formidable/changelog.txt http://sourceforge.net/projects/formidable/trunk
... (move every file and folder on current base folder, except trunk!)
svn mkdir http://sourceforge.net/projects/formidable/branches
svn mkdir http://sourceforge.net/projects/formidable/tags
svn copy
-r183 http://sourceforge.net/projects/formidable/trunk http://sourceforge.net/projects/formidable/branches/formidable-1.0

Don't hesitate to talk with me if you have any doubt. I can help you to
do this process via chat if you want.

If you like to do some test you can try a local repository following
these instructions:

Best regards,

Manuel Rego Casasnovas
Computer Science Engineer
mailto:mrego at igalia.com
Tel: +34 986 10 76 10
Fax: +34 981 91 39 49
Igalia - http://www.igalia.com

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