[TYPO3-project-formidable] Open talk: deprecation list for Branch 2

Jerome Schneider typo3dev at ameos.com
Fri May 23 11:31:25 CEST 2008

NOTE: this list is not final, and talks are opened !

*datahandler:LISTER*: removed
  The old LISTER object of Formidable. Is replaced by the 
renderlet:LISTER + renderlet:SEARCHFORM + datasources combination

*datahandler:DBMM*: removed
  The MM-tables datahandler. We have plans to allow mm-handling in a 
more flexible way.

*actionlet:STEPPER*: removed
  Originaly meant to ease the jumps thru different steps of big FORM. 
Has never been finished nor used.

*renderlet:AJAXLIST*: removed
  An ajax renderlet:LISTER clone; suposedly allows ajax-browing thru 
records. We have plans to streamline ajax inside the renderlet:LISTER 
instead ;)

*renderlet:BLANK*: removed
*renderlet:DUMMY*: removed
*renderlet:LABEL*: removed
  Are all replaced by the renderlet:BOX

*renderlet:FILE*: removed
  Is replaced by renderlet:UPLOAD for the upload part; replaced by 
renderlet:IMAGE for the image-display part.

*renderlet:FLEXPLOAD*: removed
  Has never been finished. Is replaced by the brand new renderlet:SWFUPLOAD

*renderlet:TREE*: removed
  Has never been finished. Not used by anyone.

*customTags on renderer:TEMPLATE*: removed
*recombine on renderlets*: removed
  Are both replaced by the smart template logic, and by the 
/process/beforeRender userobj

  Allowed XML pre-compilation before the init of Formidable. Too much 
hassle to use it as the XML structure becomes unclear with it, and 
because no renderlet-data is available so early in the process, as no 
renderlet has been initialized when the XML-precompilation is done !!
  Replaced with template display-conditions and /process on renderlets

*datahandler->_getThisFormData()*: deprecated
  One should always get the renderlet value thru call to 

*datahandler->_getFlatFormData()*: removed
*datahandler->_getFormDataManaged()*: removed
*datahandler->_getFlatFormDataManaged()*: removed
  Victims of the data structure simplification process


*Jérôme Schneider*
/Formidable - Rapid Application Developpement Framework for Typo3
/Ameos <http://www.ameos.com>/

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