[TYPO3-project-formidable] Hi community !!! using FX in renderlet:LISTER.

Nikitin S.M. nikitinsm at gmail.com
Sun May 18 19:26:38 CEST 2008

Thanks a lot, I'll try to understand how it works.

Loredana ZECA пишет:
> Hy again,
> Sorry for that late response, but I wanted to create an example for you.
> So, you can see the example here:
>   http://formidable.typo3.ug/tutorials/hide-columns-in-lister.html
> I didn’t understand well why this example didn't work for you, but I 
> hope that, here, you will find all the answers you'll need.
> If you still have some problems, please let me see your code.
> Hope that helps.
> Loredana
> Nikitin S.M. a écrit :
>> Sorry but your example works only with lister where 1 row exists, and 
>> I need to access the column instance for each row.
>> Loredana ZECA пишет:
>>> Hy,
>>> To do that, you must have two columns:
>>>     - first one, which is displayed on the page load
>>>     - second one, which will be hidden on the page load, but will be 
>>> showed on when the user clicks on the first column
>>> So you can try something like this:
>>> <renderlet:LISTER name="mylister">
>>>     <template path="template.html" subpart="###mylister###" 
>>> alternateRows="###ROW###" />
>>>     <datasource use="glossarylist" />
>>>     <pager>
>>>         <rows perpage="-1" />
>>>     </pager>
>>>     <columns>
>>>         <column type="renderlet:BOX" mode="p"     
>>> name="shortdescription" activeListable="true">
>>>             <html><![CDATA[
>>>                 Nullam blandit metus
>>>             ]]></html>
>>>             <onclick runat="client">
>>>                 <userobj>
>>>                     <php><![CDATA[/*<?php*/
>>>                         return 
>>> $this->aORenderlets["mylister"]->aOColumns["longdescription"]->majixFx(
>>>                             "toggleBlind",
>>>                             array("duration" => 0.5)
>>>                         );
>>>                                    /*?>*/]]></php>
>>>                 </userobj>
>>>             </onclick>
>>>         </column>
>>>         <column type="renderlet:BOX" mode="div" name="longdescription"
>>>             activeListable="true" style="display: none;">
>>>             <html><![CDATA[
>>>                 Sed lacus. Donec lectus. Nullam pretium nibh ut 
>>> turpis. Nam bibendum.
>>>                 In nulla tortor, elementum vel, tempor at, varius 
>>> non, purus.
>>>                 Mauris vitae nisl nec metus placerat consectetuer. 
>>> Lorem sed ipsum dolor sit amet nullam.
>>>                 Volutpat sed veroeros bibendum.
>>>             ]]></html>
>>>         </column>
>>>     </columns>
>>> </renderlet:LISTER>
>>> Hope that helps.
>>> Loredana
>>> Nikitin S.M. a écrit :
>>>> I found that it'll be very interesting and useful if it would be 
>>>> possible to use majix->fx inside lister, for ex. we have a lister 
>>>> with a big data in each row and using "toggleBlind" we could 
>>>> collapse or expand    additional info in the lister, I think it will 
>>>> look wonderful, but I can't find out how to get the instance of the 
>>>> inner object in the LISTER, I tried to scan all the oForm structure 
>>>> but I fall down (((
>>>> Best regards, Nikitin Sergey.

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