[TYPO3-doc] Current status of TYPO3 CMS in the docs

Martin Bless martin.bless at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 12:37:17 CET 2015

Hi Mark,

>For example, http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/ExtbaseFluidBook/0-Introduction/1-short-history.html
>is way out of date, stating that v4 is the current version.

We shouldn't invest time in outdated stuff that's not needed any
more. About this case: Though outdated when it comes to code
examples I think that book is still extremely valuable. We should
never drop it as it's one of the rare documents where *concepts*
are explained. So: Let's improve it!

(Aside: I know what I'm talking about: Currently I'm developing my
first real Extbase/Fluid extension and when searching for an
answer I'm very often redirected to that book).

>• Whose responsibility is it to re-write outdated texts on behalf of
>the Core Team?

Sweet and optimistic :-) What a innocent young and fresh approach!

To be serious: In general the documentation team took care of the
"official documents". Official means, they are on docs.typo3.org
and the docteam cares about them.

Extension docs are in the hands of the respective authors.

The core team has developed a workflow where documentation changes
introduced by code patches go into separate reST documents which
are then integrated into the official manuals by the docteam.

>• Is there a concept for the correct location for documentation?


>• What is the difference between wiki.typo3.org and docs.typo3.org?

wiki vs. manuals

IMHO: Wiki allows to quickly compile pieces of information but
from some point on maintenance and navigation become difficult.
And often it's difficult to decide if the information in the wiki
ist still valid. 

>• Is docs.typo3.org the actual official documentation, to which all
>other sources should eventually link? Thereby having the highest


>• Are there plans to make docs.typo3.org multilingual? It would be
>great if a German translation could be started.

Technically we have that option - no problem. Take ext:sphinx as
an example for a multilingual manual. It is ONE repository, it has
an EXTRA subtree for a translation, it keeps media files ONCE.

See http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/sphinx/ and hover
over "Versions"


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member


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