[TYPO3-doc] Current status of TYPO3 CMS in the docs

Mark Howells-Mead mark at mhm.li
Wed Mar 4 10:51:52 CET 2015

Hi guys

I'm going to start going through the documentation sequentially as and
when I have time, and make grammatical corrections to the text where I
come across them. However, I'm not sure that this makes sense where
the text is outdated.

For example, http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/ExtbaseFluidBook/0-Introduction/1-short-history.html
is way out of date, stating that v4 is the current version.

Before I start work, I'd like to know:

• Whose responsibility is it to re-write outdated texts on behalf of
the Core Team?
• Is there a concept for the correct location for documentation?
• What is the difference between wiki.typo3.org and docs.typo3.org?
• Is docs.typo3.org the actual official documentation, to which all
other sources should eventually link? Thereby having the highest
• Are there plans to make docs.typo3.org multilingual? It would be
great if a German translation could be started.


Mark Howells-Mead

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